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Registry Guide
This page has information and reviews of the online and offline registries that I've found. If you have an idea for one that you'd like reviewed, let me know and I'll try to get you as much info as I can :)
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Bed, Bath, and Beyond

Bed, Bath, and Beyond
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: Yes
Review: If you are looking for a good registry that works well online, BB&B is excellent! Their store is easy to go through to find gift ideas, and then they put the registry online and you can edit and add to it from the online registry. I am pretty sure you could create the registry online, too. They put little pictures of each thing that you are registered for by each item and people can look at closer pictures before they decided what to buy you.
LoveRating:4 out of 4 hearts


Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: Yes
Review: Other place that has a nice online registries is Target. They give nice printouts to people in the stores that even tells the aisle number of the gift you are looking for. The online registry lets you order things and ship them to the person if you pay shipping.
LoveRating:3 out of 4 hearts


Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: Yes
Review: JCPennys is fairly lacking, as far as its online services go. But its where many of my relatives on the east coast felt comfortable buying from. They do allow registry editing, but they don't let you get very specific in what things are. For example, I registered for a kitchen aide food processor. On the site, it doesn't tell what SIZE we registered for, only the color. But I have gotten things shipped from my registry, and they have been pretty good about packing and stuff - except for the breadmaker that didn't have a note that said who it was from until the next day when the mail came LOL!
LoveRating:2 out of 4 hearts

Meier and Frank

Meier and Frank
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes (New!)
Online Creation and Modification: No
Review: As far as local registries go, Meier and Frank is a favorite among my circle of friends, but they don't have an online registry yet (their page says its coming), so if you have family outside of the Northwest, I'd pick a more nationwide one.
LoveRating:3 out of 4 hearts

Pier 1

Pier 1
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: No
Review: This store tends to have a little more upscale items, and if you have friends and relatives who shop here a lot, that could be to your advantage. Its not as mainstream of a normal place to register in my circle of friends, so I passed it by. The online service is fairly good, even though you can't modify your registry online.

LoveRating:2 out of 4 hearts

Linens and Things

Linens and Things
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes - viewing, No - ordering
Online Creation and Modification: No
Review: I don't know much about this store, but I belive that it is also on the higher end of the scale for items than a department store. The online options are very minimum, and this makes it less accessable for everyone. In addition, the online shopping section is a very small scale (only a few items that they sell are availabe online). My cousin registered here and they never did list her on the online site.

LoveRating:1 out of 4 hearts

Della and James

Della and James - part of the Wedding Channel
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: Sorta - if you register at one of their stores, I think that it can put it up as a Della and James registry
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: Yes
Review: If you have an online friendly family, this store could be great. It lets you pick from a inventory of a wide variety of stores, making some places in the country be able to see your registry at a number of places. Unfortunately, there aren't physical locations everywhere in the country, as the stores that are used are ones that aren't country-wide. There wasn't any physical location in the Northwest. The online service is a little bit confusing, but once you get into it, its not too bad. I ordered from a friends registry and the ordering process went smoothly.

LoveRating:3 out of 4 hearts

TheKnot's registry

TheKnot's Registry
Physical Location for Viewing and Ordering: No
Online Viewing and Ordering: Yes
Online Creation and Modification: Yes
Review: The online service is the only option with TheKnot. They have a selection of some of the things you might want to register for, but not necessarily everything you'd want to register for. The online service isn't too confusing, and they have great reference on what you should register for, but without a physical location, its hard to satistfy all of your gift-buyers.

LoveRating:2 out of 4 hearts

If you'd like to see how the actual registries to see how they look, you can check out mine - they have direct links at the top of this page: Kristine and Eric's Registry page

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