Kristine and Eric's wedding webpage Kristine and Eric's wedding webpageKristine and Eric's wedding webpage
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Kristine and Eric's wedding webpage
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 About Page
Our ceremony took place at 4:30pm on August 13, 2000 at the Hockinson Heights Seventh-day Aventist Church. Its a gorgeous little octagon church. The pastor, Lutz Binus, performed the ceremony for us.

Our colors are lavender, plum, palest yellow, and some silver accents. Decorations on the pews will be an assortment of tulle and plum and lavender colored ribbon. Kristine will be decorating the unity candle to match our colors. As pictures come available of these decorations, I'll be putting them up here.

We have purchased the pieces needed for the pew decorations, and my first rough sketch is as follows:

The church layout for the pew decorations will look like this:

Flowers for our ceremony were arranged by Kristine, Lisa, Rina, Megan. We purchased everything we needed from Before the wedding, we received a trial shipment, and the quality of the flowers was excellent, and Kristine and Lisa figured out wiring and taping flowers without too many problems :-) The flowers were be lavender (blue bird) and white (bridal white) roses, daisies, babies breathe, and some ivy accents. It was so much fun opening the huge box of flowers and making beautiful things come from them.

Our formal pictures and candids were taken professionally by Doug Congelton. We also had pictures taken by Eric's parents, his mom's friend Kathy, and Annette, which made our collection so nice and full. Please come and see them, we love to share!!

Music during the ceremony was coordinated by Eric, who burned the songs onto a CD. The Ceremony Music listing includes all of the songs played. Megan practised I will be here by Steven Curtis Chapman trillions of times, and we were so happy to have her sing that song for our ceremony :-).

Our program was handmade by a team of experts {wink}: I designed the pages and we used the same cover as we had for the background of our invitations - see below. Lisa helped engineer the cutting up and putting together process, and Rina, Megan, Kellie, and one of Kellie's friends helped put them together. They turned out gorgeous!

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