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Needle and thread
safety pins
little bottle of hairspray
bobbi pins
clear nail polish
extra stockings
Nail file
Disposable camera
Hand lotion
Nail Polish/Lipstick in whatever color they are wearing
A schedule of the day's events
small spray deodorant...small body
spray...tampon..pad..depending on which they use a pack of
combs.small traveling toothbrush and paste

Brides Emergency kit

This actual kit can take many forms: overnight bag, paper bag, basket, or a really big purse. In general, the kit is left in the bride's dressing/changing room for easy access at the wedding site and is assigned to a mother, bridesmaid, or guest to bring to the reception.

antihistamine, cold remedy, any prescription medications
aspirin, Tylenol, or Advil
hard candy (better than medicinal scent of cough-drops)
pepto-bismol or other antacid/upset stomach aid
smelling salts
tampons, pads

dusting powder for before pictures are taken
hand lotion, handi-wipes
bobby pins
baby powder (also works great for spills on your white dress--just dab with water and then baby powder)
makeup remover for face and for clothes
lint remover (someone said it even takes makeup off of tuxes!)
makeup kit with extras for 'maids with different coloring/complexions
nail polish in shade worn, & remover
nail file
small hand towel (put them around the neck when doing makeup to avoid stains)
hairdryer (not just for hair, also dries dresses from stain removal)
gel, hairspray (good for runs in hose too), brush, water mister, barrettes
and/or bobby pins
toothbrush and toothpaste

'throwaway' garter
clear nail polish for runs in hose
earring backs
emergency buttons
flat shoes or ballet slippers (if necessary)
pantyhose (extras in case anything happened)
safety pins and a sewing kit with thread the color of bridesmaids' dresses, as
well as white
masking tape or sewing tape(last-minute ripped hems)
small sewing kit, thread for all dresses of wedding party
small scissors (for thread)

directions to reception - extra copies
phone numbers of all service folks
small flashlight
spare hat pins (in case florist forgets them for corsages)
spare change for phone
cooler with juice and sodas (include club soda for stain removal)
oranges, crackers duct tape (works on falling hems, broken bouquet handles, wobbly unity candles) champagne - and glasses a list of outstanding to-do's that can be turned over to someone else.
call ahead to the reception site to tell them that we are on our way; pay clergy and organist; etc.)

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